In this tutorial you will learn how to run python program in sublime text in windows. Just follow below steps to configure sublime text. The whole process is divided into two parts. Part 1: Setting Path. First of all you have to set the path of python installation directory in environment variable. You can skip this step if it is already done. Open a Python file in Sublime Text (or create a new file, open the Command Palette and execute the 'Set Syntax: Python' command) Click on Sublime Text → Preferences → Settings – More → Syntax Specific – User to open your Python-specific user settings. Make sure this opens a new editor tab called Python.sublime-settings. Question or issue on macOS: I just want to direct a Sublime Text 2 Package (SublimeREPL) to the correct python installation–at the moment, it's picking up the wrong one. The story here is familiar to Mac users. The Mac OS comes includes a python install which it uses for various OS stuff for which python.
Development of Sublime Text has moved on to version 3.
As a result,this branch for Sublime Text 2will not be updated any more.Please select the latest
branchin the panel on the bottom leftand consider updating Sublime Text.
Here we'll explain concepts that the reader needs to be familiar with in orderto fully understand the contents of this guide.
Conventions in This Guide¶
This guide is written from the perspective of a Windows user, but mostinstructions should require only trivial changes to work on other platforms.
Relative paths (e.g. Packages/User
) start at the Data Directoryunless otherwise noted.
Dan di sini adalah bagaimana saya berhasil menjalankan kode python di Sublime Text 3: Tekan Ctrl+ B(untuk Mac, ⌘+ B) untuk mulai membangun sistem. Seharusnya menjalankan file sekarang. Ikuti jawaban ini untuk memahami cara mengkustomisasi sistem build. Apa yang perlu Anda lakukan selanjutnya adalah mengganti konten Python.sublime-buildmenjadi. The first thing to install is the package manager. Follow installation instructions. The goto Tools-Command Palette and type install.The type the name of the packge you want to install, and select from the list that comes up by using cursor keys and return to select.
We assume default key bindings when indicating keyboard shortcuts. Due to theway Sublime Text maps keys to commands, some key bindings won't match yourlocale's keyboard layout.
With Great Power Come Many Questions¶
Sublime Text is a very extensible and customizable editor. It does many thingsout of the box, but if you spend some time tailoring it to your exact needs,it will give you superpowers. This guide will teach you all you need to knowto configure Sublime Text.
In the following paragraphs, we'll outline some aspects that won't click inyour mind until you've spent some time using Sublime Text. Keep exploring theeditor and looking around in this guide, and everything will fall into placeat some point.
Sublime Text is certainly a versatile tool for programmers, but you don'tneed to be one to use it, or even to configure it to make it the perfect toolfor your writing. If you're a hacker, however, you are about to spend theremainder of your day playing around with this editor.
The Data Directory¶
Sublime Text 2 stores nearly all of the interesting files for users under thedata directory. This is a platform-dependent location:
- Windows:
- OS X:
- Linux:
For portable installations, look inside SublimeText2/Data
. Here,the Sublime Text 2 part refers to the directory to which you've extracted thecontents of the compressed file containing Sublime Text 2.
Note that only in portable installations does a directory named Data exist.For the other types of installation, the data directory is the locationindicated above.
The Packages Directory¶
This is a key directory: all resources for supported programming andmarkup languages are stored here. A package is a directory containingrelated files having a special meaning to Sublime Text.
You can access the packages directory from the Sublime Text menu(Preferences | Browse Packages..), or by means of an api call:sublime.packages_path()
. In this guide, we refer to this location asPackages, packages path, packages folder or packages directory.
The User
This guide is written from the perspective of a Windows user, but mostinstructions should require only trivial changes to work on other platforms.
Relative paths (e.g. Packages/User
) start at the Data Directoryunless otherwise noted.
Dan di sini adalah bagaimana saya berhasil menjalankan kode python di Sublime Text 3: Tekan Ctrl+ B(untuk Mac, ⌘+ B) untuk mulai membangun sistem. Seharusnya menjalankan file sekarang. Ikuti jawaban ini untuk memahami cara mengkustomisasi sistem build. Apa yang perlu Anda lakukan selanjutnya adalah mengganti konten Python.sublime-buildmenjadi. The first thing to install is the package manager. Follow installation instructions. The goto Tools-Command Palette and type install.The type the name of the packge you want to install, and select from the list that comes up by using cursor keys and return to select.
We assume default key bindings when indicating keyboard shortcuts. Due to theway Sublime Text maps keys to commands, some key bindings won't match yourlocale's keyboard layout.
With Great Power Come Many Questions¶
Sublime Text is a very extensible and customizable editor. It does many thingsout of the box, but if you spend some time tailoring it to your exact needs,it will give you superpowers. This guide will teach you all you need to knowto configure Sublime Text.
In the following paragraphs, we'll outline some aspects that won't click inyour mind until you've spent some time using Sublime Text. Keep exploring theeditor and looking around in this guide, and everything will fall into placeat some point.
Sublime Text is certainly a versatile tool for programmers, but you don'tneed to be one to use it, or even to configure it to make it the perfect toolfor your writing. If you're a hacker, however, you are about to spend theremainder of your day playing around with this editor.
The Data Directory¶
Sublime Text 2 stores nearly all of the interesting files for users under thedata directory. This is a platform-dependent location:
- Windows:
- OS X:
- Linux:
For portable installations, look inside SublimeText2/Data
. Here,the Sublime Text 2 part refers to the directory to which you've extracted thecontents of the compressed file containing Sublime Text 2.
Note that only in portable installations does a directory named Data exist.For the other types of installation, the data directory is the locationindicated above.
The Packages Directory¶
This is a key directory: all resources for supported programming andmarkup languages are stored here. A package is a directory containingrelated files having a special meaning to Sublime Text.
You can access the packages directory from the Sublime Text menu(Preferences | Browse Packages..), or by means of an api call:sublime.packages_path()
. In this guide, we refer to this location asPackages, packages path, packages folder or packages directory.
The User
is a catch-all directory for custom plugins, snippets,macros, etc. Consider it your personal area in the packages folder. Sublime Textwill never overwrite the contents of Packages/User
during upgrades.
The Python Console and the Python API¶
This information is especially interesting for programmers. For the rest ofSublime Text users, you just need to know that it enables users with programmingskills to add their own features to the editor. (So go learn how to program;it's great fun!)
Sublime Text comes with an embedded Python interpreter. It's an useful tool toinspect Sublime Text settings and to quickly test API calls while you're writingplugins. Buy magic mouse online.
To open the Python console, press Ctrl+`
or select View | Show Consolein the menu.
Confused? Let's try again more slowly:
Python is a programming language known to be easy for beginners and verypowerful at the same time. API is short for ‘Application ProgrammingInterface', which is a fancy way of saying that Sublime Text is prepared to beprogrammed by the user. Put differently, Sublime Text gives the user access toits internals through Python. Lastly, a console is a little window insideSublime Text which lets you type in short snippets of Python code and run them.The console also shows text output by Sublime Text or its plugins.
Your System's Python vs the Sublime Text Embedded Python¶
On Windows and Linux, Sublime Text comes with its own Pythoninterpreter and it's separate from your system's Python installation.
On OS X, the system Python is used instead. Modifying your system versionof Python, such as replacing it with the MacPorts version, can cause problemsfor Sublime Text.
The embedded interpreter is intended only to interact with the plugin API, notfor general development. A few plugins may run into issues because the embeddedor used interpreters are not the same on every OS.
Packages, Plugins, Resources and Other Things That May Not Make Sense to You Now¶
Python Sublime Text Download
For now, just keep in mind that almost everything in Sublime Text can be adaptedto your needs. This vast flexibility is the reason why you will learn about somany settings files: there simply must be a place to specify all yourpreferences.
Configuration files in Sublime Text let you change the editor's behavior, addmacros, snippets or create new features –where feature means ‘anything you canthink of'. OK, maybe not anything, but Sublime Text definitely hands you overa good deal of control.
These settings files simply are text files following a special structure orformat: JSON predominates, but you'll find XML files too.
In this guide, we refer collectively to all these disparate configurationfiles as resources. Sublime Text will look for resources inside the packagesdirectory. To keep things tidy, the editor has a notion of a package, whichis a directory containing resources that belong together (maybe they all helpwrite emails faster or code in a certain programming language).
Textmate Compatibility¶
This information is mainly useful for Textmate expats who are now using SublimeText. Textmate is an editor for the Mac.
Sublime Text is fairly compatible with Textmate bundles with the notableexception of commands. Additionally, Sublime Text requires all syntaxdefinitions to have the .tmLanguage extension, and all preferences files tohave the .tmPreferences extension. This means that .plist files will beignored, even if they are located under a Syntaxes or Preferencessubdirectory.
Vi Emulation¶
This information is mainly useful for dinosaurs and people who like to dropthe term RSI in conversations. Vi is an ancient modal editor that lets theuser perform all operations from the keyboard. Vim, a modern version of vi,is still in widespread use.
Sublime Text provides vi emulation through the Vintage package. The Vintagepackage is ignored by default. Read more about Vintage in the officialdocumentation.
Python Sublime Text 3
This information is hardly useful for anyone. Emacs is.. Well, nobody reallyknows what emacs is, but some people edit text with it.
If you are an emacs user, you're probably not reading this.
Be Sublime, My Friend¶
Borrowing from Bruce Lee's wisdom, Sublime Text can become almost anythingyou need it to be. In skilled hands, it can defeat an army of ninjas withoutyour breaking a sweat.
Empty your mind; be sublime, my friend.